Nuachtlitir Aibreáin 2018

Thursday, May 17th, 2018



Seachtain na Scoile Gníomhaí

Beidh Seachtain na Scoile Gníomhaí againn an tseachtain seo chughainn ar scoil.  Beimid ag déanamh gníomhaíochtaí ar bhonn ranga agus ar bhonn scoile.  Táimid ag súil go spreagfar níos mó de phobal na scoile le taisteal chun na scoile go gníomhach.  Agus, ní thabharfar aon obair bhaile scríofa don tseachtain ar an mbonn go ndéanfaidh gach páiste/teaghlach rud éigin gníomhach sa bhaile gach lá.  (Muna bhfuil tuismitheoirí sásta leis an socrú seo tá fáilte rompu obair bhaile scríofa speisialta a lorg ón múinteoir.  Gan dabht, beidh a bpáistí sásta leo.)

We’re going to have an Active School week next week.  We’ll be organising activies on a class and school basis.  We’re hoping that more of the school community will be encouraged to travel actively to school.  Also, there will be no written homework on the basis that all families/children will be active each evening.  (If parents are unhappy with this agreement, they are welcome to ask the teacher for special written homework.  Your children will forgive you, some day.)


Nótaí ó Choiste na dTuismitheoirí

Ar iarratas na dtuismitheoirí, tá cainteanna socraithe ag an gCoiste faoi shábáilteacht ar-líne. Bhí caint eolasach againn (as Gaeilge) le Brian Ó Gráinne i Mí Márta.  Tá dhá caint eile socraithe i mBéarla:  9 Bealtaine  le CyberSafe Ireland agus ar an 6 Meitheamh leis an gComhdháil Náisiúnta na dTuismitheoirí ag 19.30. Tá fáilte romhaibh go léir. Ní mór duit ach ríomhphoist a sheoladh chuig runaí an choiste ag

(At the request of parents, the Coiste have arranged talks on the topic of on-line safety.  There was an informative talk held in March (through Irish) with Brian Ó Gráinne.  There are two other talks arranged in English: 9 May with CyperSafe Ireland and the 6 June with the NPC, both at 19.30.  Everyone is welcome.  Please send a quick note to the secretary of the Coiste).


Dáta don dhialann! Beidh Lá Spóirt 2018 ar siúl i Wanderers ar an 17 Meitheamh.  Beidh na daltaí ag caitheamh na t-léintí a bhí acu anuaraidh.  Má tá said caillte nó ró-bheag, is feidir t-léine den dháth chéanna a chaitheamh.  Fuair gach dalta sa Naíonáin Shóisearach t-léine ghorm i mbliana.  Tuilleadh eolais le teacht.

(Save the date!  Sports’ Day 2018 will be in Wanderers on the 17 June.  The students will be wearing the t-shirts they had from last year.  If they are lost or too small, a t-shirt of the same colour can be worn.  All students in the Naíonáin Shóisearach received a blue t-shirt this year.  More information to come)


Nóta beag do thuismitheoirí Rang 6.  Da mba rud é go bhfuil an páiste is óige ag fágail na scoile ag deireadh Mheithimh agus gur chaith tú seal ar Choiste na dTuimsitheoirí thar na blianta, bhéimis buíoch rphost a fháil ag cur sin in iúl dúinn chomh luath agus is féidir.

(A short note for the parents of Rang 6.  If your youngest child is leaving school at the end of June and you spent time on the Coiste over the years, we would love to hear from you as soon as possible).

Beidh litir ag dul amach go luath sna malaí scoile maidir leis an síntiús deonach.  Ba mhaith leis an gCoiste an deis a thapú agus buíochas a ghabháil as ucht an tacaíocht a thugtar don Choiste.

(There will be a letter sent home shortly regarding the voluntary contribution.  The Coiste would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support given to the Coiste).

Mar is eolas daoibh, tá an Chéad Chomaoineach ar an 19 Bealtaine.  Eagraíonn Coiste na dTuismitheoirí fáiltiú do na Comaoineoirí, Rang 2 agus a gharmhuintir sa scoil.  Is é an traidisiún i Scoil Lorcáin ná go gcabhraíonn Rang 1 agus Rang 3 leis an bhfáiltiú a eagrú ar an lá roimh ré agus ar an lá féin. Beidh fógra ag dul amach ina leith ach más féidir le tuistmitheoirí cabhrú linn ar an 18 agus 19 Bealtaine, bhéimis fíorbhuíoch.

(As you know, the First Communion is on the 19 May.  The Parents’ Committee organise the reception for the Communicants, Rang 2 and close family in the school.  It is tradition in Scoil Lorcáin that  Rang 1 and Rang 2 help organize the reception both on the day and the day before.  There will be a notice going out shortly but if any parent can help out on the 18 and 19 May, we would be most grateful).


Athbhreithniú ar Bhunreacht Choiste na dTuismitheoirí

Tá an fo-choiste d’Athbhreithniú ar Bhunreacht Choiste na dTuismitheoirí sásta bheith ábalta dréacht a dó den bhunreacht a chur os comhair Coiste na dTuismitheoirí ag cruinniú faoi leith ar an mBunreacht amháin ar an Luan, 23 Aibreán 2018. Míle buíochas leo siúd go léir idir thuismitheoirí, Cathaoirleach ar an mBórd Bainistíochta Muireann Ní Mhóráin, Príomhoide Colmán Ó. Drisceoil agus Comhairle Náisiúnta na dTuismitheoirí (NPC) a thug treoir, inchur, moltaí, saineolas agus tuairimí don fho-choiste ó Mheán Fómhair seo caite chun cabhrú linn dréacht – doiciméad a chur le chéile a bheadh in oiriúnt do Chumann na dTuismitheoirí i Scoil Lorcáin i 2018. Má éiríonn leis an gCoiste aontas a bhaint amach ar leasuithe agus athraithe don Bhunreacht, cuirfear an dréacht ós comhair tuistí uile na scoile ag cruinniú úrghnáth speisialta ar an 30 Aibreán 2018. Beidh an CCB ar an 28 Bealtaine 2018. Má spéis le haon tuismitheoir cóip den dhréacht a fheiceáil nó ceist a chur ar an ábhar seo, tá lán -fáilte romhaibh dul i dteagbháil le Barbara Uí Mhuirthile @ nó 0879614821.

The sub-committee for the revision of the Parents’ Association Constitution is happy to be in a position to present a second draft of the revised document to the Parents’ Committee at a special and single-item meeting on Monday , 23 April 2018. We would like to thank all those who made submissions to the sub-committee since last September with input, advice, expertise, opinions, experience and innovation to help draw together a living document that aims to help and guide whatever group of parents form the committee for the foreseeable future. Contributors are mentioned above. If the current committee votes in agreement to recommend the proposed changes and amendments to the constitution , the draft will be be put to the whole parent -body at an EGM on Monday 30 April 2018. The AGM will be on 28 May 2018. If any parent in the school is interested in seeing a copy of the draft or asking about the proposed changes, you are more than welcome to contact Barbara Uí Mhuirthile on behalf of the sub-committee at the contact details above)


Géarchéim Glantóireachta!!

Is mian le Coiste na dTuismitheoirí buíochas ó chroí a ghabháil leis an bPríomhoide agus múinteoirí i Ranganna 4,5 agus 6 atá ag déanamh lá múinteoireachta lenár bpáistí agus ansin ag glanadh na seomraí ranga tar éis an lá scoile le breis agus seachtain anuas de bharr go bhfuil glantóir ar lár. Táimid ana-shásta go bhfuil deis ag na páistí sna ranganna sin chomh maith lámh cúnta a thabairt do na múinteoirí chun cinntiú go bhfuil timpeallacht deas glan acu don fhoglaim an lá dar gcionn.

Fad is atá glantóir nua á lorg ( agus má tá aithne ag éinne ar dhuine go mbeadh spéis acu seo a dhéanamh , cuirigí sin in iúl d’Oifig na Scoile le bhur dtoil) , bheadh sé iontach tacaíocht a fháil ó thuismitheoirí na scoile chun an t-ualach a roinnt!


Tuismitheoirí a bhailíonn ag 2.15i.n a bhfuil 30 nóim le sparáil acu ar an toirt

Seisear ar a laghad ag teastáil


Gach lá tar éis am scoile ón Aoine, 20 Aibreán go dtí go bhfuil glantóir aimsithe

Cad tá le déanamh?

Seomra Ranga amháin a ghlanadh ( scuabadh, bruscar, úrlar a nigh is araile)

Cad faoi mo pháistí a bhailigh mé?

Is féidir leo go léir cabhrú nó má tá siad an-óg, beidh duine fásta ( tuismitheoir eile – ann chun aire a thabhairt i seomra eile.

Seolaigí rphost nó teachtaireacht chugam chomh luath agus is féidir – Barbara Uí Mhuirthile ( Cathaoirleach ar Choiste na dTuismitheoirí) ag


Nó buailigí liom ag Oifig Rós ag 2.15i.n , Dé Luain 23 Aibreán 2018.

Ní neart go cur le chéile!!


Clean Classroom Crisis!!

The Parents’ Association would like to thank sincerely the Principal and teachers from 4/5/6 classes who have been stepping in after a day’s managing and teaching with our children to clean the classrooms for over a week now.   We are delighted that some of the children from those classes are getting the opportunity to give a helping hand to their teachers to ensure a clean environment for learning the following day.

While a new cleaner is being sought ( and if anyone knows of any interested party please let the School Office know at your earliest convenience) it would be much appreciated to get parental support to share the load!!

If you are a parent who collects at 2.15pm and you have 30 minutes to spare at that point, that would be great – we need 6 of you every day

From Friday 20 April until a new cleaner is employed

One classroom each to clean – floors, rubbish etc

Any children collected can either help or if very young we can organise a parent to mind in a designated space in the school

Please send me an email or text at your earliest convenience indicating your availability

You can also meet me at Rós’ Oifig at 2.15pm , Monday, 23 April

Many hands make light work!


Le meas,

Barbara Uí Mhuirthile ( Chair, Coiste na dTuismitheoirí




Córas Deonach Aon-Treo

Ba mhaith linn a mheabhrú do thuismitheoirí go bhfuil córas deonach aontreo againn dóibh siúd a chaithfidh tiomáint isteach i gCearnóg Eaton.  Má tá tú ar Bhóthair Bhaile na Manach tar isteach sa Chearnóg ar an taobh is gaire don Charraig Dhubh agus imigh suas agus amach an taobh is gaire do Bhaile na Manach, nó imigh síos thar an scoil agus síos Bóthar Belgrave nó amach thar Chearnóg Belgrave.  Iarraimid ar thiománaithe gan teacht aníos Bóthar Belgrave ó Bhóthar na Mara.

We’d like to remind those who must drive into Eaton Square of our voluntary one-way system.  If on Monkstown Road, enter the Square on the side nearest Blackrock and exit on the side nearest Monkstown.  Alternatively exit by going down past the school and down Belgrave Road or out through Belgrave Square.  We ask drivers not to drive up Belgrave Road from Seapoint Road nor to turn left up Eaton Square if approaching the school from Belgrave Square.


Scoil Dúnta don Toghachán

Beidh an scoil dúnta do reifreann ar an Aoine 25 Bealtaine.

The school will be closed for the referendum on Friday 25th May.


Tráth na gCeisteanna

Comhghairdeas le Foireann Thráth na gCeisteanna: Conor Mag Ruairc, Cillian Ó Caoilte, Luan Ó Sioradáin agus  Finn Ó Donnaile ar éirigh leo Craobh na hÉireann a bhaint amach I gComórtas na gComhar Creidmheasa.  Buíochas le Bn. Uí Lúing agus Bn. Uí Mhurchú as an am a chaitheadar leis an bhfoireann.

Congratulations to our Credit Union Quiz team who reached the All-Irland Final recently.  Thanks to the teachers who worked with them – Gráinne and Paula.


Bleibíní ag fás sa Ghairdín Scoile.

Tá toradh na hoibre a deineadh sa Ghairdín roimh an Nollaig  le feiscint anois agus bláthanna ag fás sna ceapacha éagsúla inar cuireadh bleibíní.  Féach glaoch eile chun oibre thíos, don Aoine seo cughainn.

Tiúlips and daffodils are beginning to show in the various beds where we planted them before Christmas.  Thanks to all who helped.  See below a call for help next Friday for our next Gardening Group.


Falla na nIlteangaithe

Tá Fraincis, Ollanais, Portaingéilis, Spáinnis, Ioruais, Iodáilis,  Polannais agus Lámh le sonrú ar Fhalla na nIlteangaithe a cheiliúrann na teangacha éagsúla go léir a labhraítear i Scoil Lorcáin.  Má tá clan eile a labhrann teanga seachas Gaeilge agus Béarla sa bhaile, ba bhreá linn go mbeidís luaite ar an bhfalla.  Labhair le Colmán, ldt.

8 different languages are represented our our Wall of Multilinguists, celebrating those in Scoil Loráin who speak a language other than Irish and English at home.  We’d love all families who speak another language to be represented.  Talk to Colmán, please, if you would like to be mentioned there.


Note regarding the paving stones in Gáirdín Scoil Lorcáin

With regards the stone paving stones for the school garden – they are from the 13th -14th layers of the archaeological excavation at The Coombe. They would have been part of a stone lined drain and were in a part of the site that has industrial activity associated with tanning and bone working.  They are fully recorded, planned and photographed and now being re-used as a garden feature in Scoil Lorcain.

Below this level was found the back of a terrace of 12th post and wattle houses and some very significant finds including an unusual key, beautiful decorated stick pin and a slate with grafitti art. Most of the site has been fully excavated with part of the site being  preserved in- situ so future generations of scientists can analyse it.
Aoibhín Ó Sioradáin

Comhghairdeas le hAoibhín Ó Sioradáin a bhfuair scéal a scríobh sí moladh speisialta ó na breithimh i Kids World Fun.

Aoibhín Ó Sioradáin’s story for Kids World Fun Short Story Contest has received a commendation from the judges. The story will now be published.
Comhairle ó lorg

Tá tuismitheoir á lorg againn chun comhairle a thabhairt ar chúrsaí teicneolaíochta sa scoil.  Níl saineolas againn.  Ceist amháin atá ag dó na geirbe faoi láthair againn ná an €1,100 atá le caitheamh go bliantúir ar bhógabhar don Chóras Wi-fi.  Labhair le Colmán, ldt.

We’re looking for advice re i.t. from a parent so that we can be sure we’re getting value for money.  One example is the €1,100 we are being asked to pay annually for software to run the wi-fi system in the school.  Talk – or email, of course – Colmán.


Caint Shuimiúil

Ar an Déardaoin 26ú tabharfaidh Fachtna Ó Drisceoil, tuismitheoir i Scoil Lorcáin agus craoltóir le RTÉ, caint i mBéarla faoi thógáil páistí le Gaeilge.  An teideal atá ar an gcaint ná:

Raising Children Through Irish Outside the Gaeltacht – Motivations, Challenges and Misconceptions.

Tá an ócáid á reachtáil ag Cumann na Carraige Duibhe (The Blackrock Society).

Ionad: Cultúrlann na hÉireann, Cearnóg Belgrave

Am: 8.00in.  Táille €4

Notice for a talk on raising children through Irish next Thursday in Cultúrlann na hÉireann 8 pm.


Duais Ealaíne 

Comhghairdeas le Ruairí Ó Condúin a bhuaigh Duais Aitheantais Speisialta I gComórtas Ealaíne Texaco an tseachtain seo caite le pictiúr darb ainm ‘Bottles’.

Well done to Ruairí on getting Special Commendation in the Texaco Art Competition for his composition ‘Bottles’.


Pop-up Gaeltacht

Tigh Tábhairne O Rourke’s sa Charraig Dhubh

Céadaoin 25/4/18

Ó 8.00 in ar aghaidh

Fáilte roimh chách

If you haven’t heard of the Pop-up Gaeltachts phenomenon just google it.


Craobh Phiarais Uí Ghréagáin

Clárú ag tosú le haghaidh ranganna ceoil Meán Fómhair 2018

Páistí 7mbl d’aois nó nios mó

Foirmeacha le fáil:



Grúpa Garraíodóireachta

Beidh Grúpa Garraíodóireachta Scoil Lorcáin ag dul i mbun oibre arís Aoine seo chughainn 27 Aibreán 2.15 – 3.30 sa scoil.  Fáilte roimh thuismitheoirí.  Ní gá ach teacht ag an am má tá fonn ort cabhrú.  Má fhaighimid go leor daoine láidre tosóimid ag obair ar chosán leis na leacracha atá luaite san alt thuas.

We’re organising a Gardening Group for next Friday 27th April 2.15 – 3.45 pm.  Parents are welcome to come along and help out.  We’ll be weeding, raking etc.  Bring spade or a rake if you can.  If we get enough strong parents we’ll start work on the path using the paving stones in the article mentioned above.


Foirne Iomána agus Camógaíochta

Tá ag éirí go geal leis na foirne iomána agus camógaíochta go dtí seo.  Tá dhá chluiche an ceann buaite acu.  Comhghairdeas leis na himreoirí agus leis na múinteoirí atá ag cabhrú.  Buíochas le Cionnaith Mac Gearailt ó Chuala CLG, chomh maith, as an obair a dhéanann sé do na cluichí Gaelacha sa scoil.

Our camogie and hurling teams are playing well and enjoying themselves.  Both have won two out of two.  Thanks to the teachers involved and to Cionnaith Mac Gearailt from Cuala for all his work in promoting Gaelic games in Scoil Lorcáin.


Litir ó áitritheoir

A Thuismitheoirí, féach litir thíos.  B’fhéidir, más fíor, go bhféadfaí an chaint a dhéanamh laistigh den gheata.

A Chara Rose,

Apologies for the English but my Irish is not up to scratch.

I wanted to bring to your attention the footpath by the junior infants entrants.  Three times this week the footpath has been blocked completely with mothers and buggies talking outside the school after they have dropped off their children.  While I have no issue with this, they do not seem interested in moving to let people by.  I have had to push through them as I refuse to walk on the road with my 5 year old.  I find this very frustrating.  This morning I had to lift my 5 year old over a buggy.

I was wondering if it could be noted in the newsletter or an email sent.  The road is busy at that time of the morning with drop offs and while I am with my 5 year old to guide him through some of the older children may be forced on to the road to pass by and get into school.  Maybe they could chat on the other side of the road away from the gate entrance.

Go raibh maith agat,



Beidh cleachtadh lúthchleasaíochta do pháistí R3-6 i gCluain Ghlas Luan seo chugain 23 Aibreán 2.30 – 3.30.  Fáilte roimh gac h páiste sna ranganna sin.  Beidh laethanta eile a chuirfear in iúl amach anseo.

There will be athletics training in Meadowvale this Monday 23rd April for Rang 3-6.  All children in these classes welcome.  There will be other dates to follow.  Children to be collected promptly, please.